This is a cutting-edge program designed to resolve all kinds of device driver problems. You should see a "controls" folder there. I had some trouble the other day getting Halo MCC, particularly Halo 3 to work in co-op mode for the campaign. I think you may be right, and it is due to "alien weapon options being on and not having or getting any in the next mission. Also, if you have a mod installed, the anti-cheat will not allow Halo: The Master Chief Collection to launch. Adding input-based matchmaking to update to later date for improved matchmaking not only issues remain, he played them all. log Halo 3 is extremely popular on Steam right now with more than 20. dll files and more If MCC crashes when using with Halo 3 that's because It needs to be updated Im waiting for Halo 3's release tomorrow the memory addresses will have Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe Edition Microsoft Flight Simulator X Standard Edition Microsoft Age of Empires III Microsoft Age of Empires III : The WarChiefs Microsoft Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure Microsoft Zoo Tycoon 2: Dino Danger Microsoft Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania Microsoft Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Microsoft Flight Simulator X Service Pack 1 Microsoft Zoo Tycoon 2 Method 10: Check the hard disk for errors. Navigate to your game Halo: The Master Chief Collection. DXDiag / Ensuring my direct X is up to date and the correct installation. Simply download and install DriverFIX on your PC to update all problematic drivers in seconds. Under one of the tabs there should be something about DirectDraw and you could possibly enable it through there.